Betamethasone 0.1% dermatitis eczema cream/ointment (for reference, random packaging and delivery) Cream/OINTMENT
Betamethasone 0.1% dermatitis eczema cream/ointment (for reference, random packaging and delivery) Cream/OINTMENT
Betamethasone 0.1% dermatitis eczema cream/ointment (for reference, random packaging and delivery) Cream/OINTMENT
Betamethasone 0.1% dermatitis eczema cream/ointment (for reference, random packaging and delivery) Cream/OINTMENT
Betamethasone 0.1% dermatitis eczema cream/ointment (for reference, random packaging and delivery) Cream/OINTMENT
Betamethasone 0.1% dermatitis eczema cream/ointment (for reference, random packaging and delivery) Cream/OINTMENT

Betamethasone 0.1% dermatitis eczema cream/ointment (for reference, random packaging and delivery) Cream/OINTMENT

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  • 0.1% description of Mi Song

    Before using more Micatong, you should wash your hands and dry your hands thoroughly, just like you use all external cream, ointment or emulsion (even those are not designed for skin diseases). You should also clean and dry the affected areas before starting, but pay attention to avoid excessive drying or further stimulation: use a clean towel or cloth to take it dry.

    When you apply more Micatsone, you should use the amount that is sufficient to cover the required area. In addition, anything is unnecessary and may not be safe. You can use this therapy 3 times a day, but the premise is that your situation is particularly serious.

    After applying the cream or ointment, you must wash your hands again (unless the processed skin Your hand or your hand or In this case, in this case, you should wash as much as possible the surrounding skin). Make sure not to let anything enter your eyes, because it will deterio glaucoma. If possible (or unless there are other instructions), do not cover the area where the processing is processed.

    If your condition has not improved after two weeks, please consult your doctor. You may need to consider another treatment method, or just give it more time.

  • Beemonone ingredients

    The active ingredients of double rice pine cream are pent acid Beam pine, and each 1g of cream contains 1 mg of penta.

    Other ingredients are as follows: polyethylene glycol whale waxy lipid ether 20, whale waxy lipol alcohol, chlorothenol, sodium phosphate dihydrogen dihydal, phosphate, sodium hydroxide, liquid paraffin, white soft, white soft Paraffects, pure water.

    Double Rice Michalite Cream has the same active ingredients, but only contains the following ingredients: liquid paraffin and white soft paraffin.

  • 0.1% side effects of Micatong

    When using pent acid Beam pine cream or ointment, side effects are rare, but may still happen. So far, the most common symptoms of users are temporarily deteriorating, and the skin that has been treated will produce a burning sensation and itching. Continue is usually safe.

    But occasionally, the ingredients (especially propylene glycol or chloroxol) among more than meson will cause allergic reactions, and other ingredients will cause bad skin reactions, such as contact dermatitis (such as whale wax glycol alcohol) Essence If you think your local skin response is only temporary setbacks, stop using the therapy and consult your doctor immediately. Allergic reactions must be taken seriously.

  • Beematon warning

    Like all prescription drugs, Mi Song is not suitable for use in all cases. If any of the following statements are true, then Do not Use double rice pine cream or ointment:

    • You are allergic to one of the ingredients listed.
    • You are treating a child under 1 year old.
    • You are trying to cure acne, slag nirberbon, peripheral dermatitis or skin infection.
    • You are suffering from itching rather than inflammation.
    • You are treating the skin around the anus or genitals (without the approval of the doctor).

    If one of the following statements is real, you can use (or continue to use) more rice pine cream or ointment, but you must be careful:

    • Your first application will cause a slight allergic reaction (such as itching and redness of the skin).
    • You are treating leg ulcers or facial skin thinner.
    • There are some creams or ointments in your eyes (rinse immediately).
    • You have psoriasis (let your doctor check your progress).

    Due to potential bad drug interaction, you must tell your doctor any other drugs you are taking (or planning) before starting treatment.

    Always view the patient's information manual (PIL)

    Medical science is constantly improving, and the composition and impact of specific treatment will change accordingly. Any such changes to Bicatson cream or ointment will be indicated in the patient information form (PIL) provided in the packaging. In addition to considering the content we introduced on this page, you should also spend time to view PIL before starting treatment. This will ensure that you don't miss anything.